Flooring & Design Center
Wisconsin's premier 6,000 sqft design center for cabinets, countertops, and flooring.
Selection of unfinished Locally Made Hardwoods to be Stained, Sanded, and Finished in your space
Floors already finished and ready to install.
Locally Made & Brand Name.
Solid & Engineered. -
Choose from rustic genuine reclaimed hardwood floors with a story or we can make a new floor with reclaimed looks.
Please wait a minimum of 8 hours before walking on floors with stocking feet and 24 hours for shoes. This time may vary depending on the type of finish chosen. Please verify proper care directly.
Allow 48 hours for furniture and pets.
Do NOT use water for one week.
Allow 1 -2 weeks before placing carpets or other area rugs.
Use a humidifier in conjunction with a furnace or air conditioning system to maintain relative humidity in the home at 35-50%. This will maintain the moisture in the wood and minimize cracks between the boards.
Have your floors buffed and recoated every 2 to 3 years in high traffic areas and 3 to 5 years in areas of lower traffic.
Use dirt-trapping, walk-off mats at all exterior doors to help prevent dirt, grit and sand from getting inside on your floors. Throw rugs or small area rugs just inside the entrances are also helpful.
Put a small Berber carpet or felt pads on the legs of all your furniture. Clean the glides periodically so grit does not get caught on them and replace as needed.
Barrel type roller casters are better than ball casters which will cause damage. Avoid plastic casters.
Use soft rubber replacement casters/wheels.
Wipe up spills immediately with a damp cloth.
Keep high heels in good repair. Heels that have worn down or lost protective caps, exposing the steel support rod in the heel can dent any floor surface.
Vacuum regularly using a brush attachment. Dust mopping works well, but DO NOT use a household dust treatment on your mop as this may cause your floor to become slick or dull the finish. It can also leave a film that can impair bonding of future re-coats.
Please DO NOT use wax, Orange Glow®, Murphy® Oil Soap, Endust®, Pledge®, etc. on the floors, as it will leave a residue and make it difficult to buff and refinish your floors in the future.