A relational approach to hardwood flooring
“We provide quality products for a fair price. Our work is the proof in the pudding. Our customers know that we are going to take care of the product and be consistent. We make it the best we can every day.”
About HFH
HFH purchases 3 million board feet yearly of Red and White Oak, Ash, Cherry, Birch, Red Elm, Hickory, Hard Maple, Black Walnut, and Rift/Quartered Red and White Oak.
The majority of purchases are 15/16-inch, No. 1 Common, No. 2A Common, and special sorted/graded rustic character.
Trusted suppliers are usually within a 250-mile radius of production and offer consistent quality and quantity.
Natural Birch
Red Birch
American Cherry
Brown Hickory
Hard Maple
Brown Sugar Maple
Red Oak
White Oak
Rift/Quarter Sawn Red Oak
Rift/Quarter Sawn White Oak

Not quite as uniform appearing as “Select.” The grade allows for more natural color variations in the wood, and more sapwood in the boards. It also allows for slightly larger and more frequent knots in the boards.
Often referred to as “rustic” flooring. This grade includes the full natural variation of color, streaks, and knots in the wood species. It allows for bigger and more plentiful knots than flooring placed in the “#1” grade. Flooring in this grade typically has a shorter average piece length than “Select” or “#1.” This grade allows for larger knots and nonstructural defects, such as small surface cracks.
Most uniform-looking flooring. It is the top grade and is made from the “cleanest” boards. This grade does allow for small pin knots and minimal natural color variations in the boards.
#1 - 1st Grade Maple is taken from the whitest boards. It does allow for some natural color variations and some natural dark streaks in the wood. It also allows for some small pin knots in the boards.
#2 - 2nd Grade Maple allows for more dark heartwood than first-grade maple. It also allows for more natural color variation in the lighter pieces. It will also feature more tight knots and more dark streaks in the wood.
#3 - 3rd Grade Maple, often referred to as Calico Maple, allows for more dark heartwood, longer dark streaks, and more knots. Third-grade maple is more rustic looking than #1 or #2 Maple.