The trusted name in Oak flooring
“Smith Flooring has long been known as the Trusted Name in Oak Flooring;
We've been a NOFMA-certified manufacturer since we started making flooring back in the 1940s. We take both quality and environmental stewardship very seriously and we work hard every day to ensure our products live up to our motto:
Quality You Can Stand On.”

All Smith Flooring comes at a standard ¾-inch thickness, while we have a selection of sizes available. Size, in the context of floorboards, refers to the width of the board face. Standard sizes are 1½-inch, 2¼-inch, 3¼-inch, and 4 inches. Most sizes are available in any NOFMA grade, as well as our own proprietary Cabin Grade.
When choosing the right wood flooring for your home, it’s important to remember that appearance determines the grade of flooring. Every grade of wood floor we offer meets the same standards of strength and reliability and is made from high-quality lumber that has been properly aged and kiln-dried before machining. All grades of wood flooring, from our NOFMA-graded wood to our own custom Cabin Grade, are equally-serviceable flooring products.
The grade of a piece of wood is decided by its amount of “character,” which is the amount of gnarls, color streaks, or color variations within and between boards. While we do pride ourselves on adhering to NOFMA standards of grading, these standards do contain a degree of subjectivity, and each grade allows for a range of uniformity.
The NOFMA Clear grade consists mostly of heartwood. This grade allows for all of the natural heartwood color variations, with minimal character marks. NOFMA Clear-grade floors result in a floor with a variable grain pattern, while still maintaining the most uniform appearance of any grade.
NOFMA Select contains myriad color variations produced by contrasting differences between heartwood and sapwood. This combination of lighter sapwood and darker heartwood creates a potentially infinite number of stunning patterns, with the occasional dash of color from small character marks.
NOFMA No. 1 Common possesses a more prominent color variation and more apparent character marks when compared to the Clear or Select grades. The finished No. 1 Common presents a gorgeous surface with evident color variations and attractive character marks.
One of the most variable of grades, this grade often encompasses a wide range of both natural and manufactured variations of any size. Prominent color variations and other character marks result from the drying and machining process. Please note that because of the wide range of variation allowed for in NOFMA No. 2 Common, it may include a few boards that your installing contractor may deem unusable for your project.
This is our most rustic-looking grade. The Cabin Grade includes any number of character marks and color variations, making it most suitable where a truly pastoral look is desired, or when the cost is a more important factor than appearance. This grade does include pieces with machine defects, and as a result, may include some your installation contractor could deem unusable.